Just back from a great vacation spent getting well away from it all, walking in the Pyrenees. So well away in fact that despite recharged batteries, I must confess to being a bit out of the loop on matters informatical.
It would be nice to offer you a witty account my holidays to concluded with a pithy message of significance to the IT/DM community. Instead, a more prosaic forward-looking ‘travelogue’—of our upcoming conference attendances.
Our travels will first take us to Miami for the Schlumberger Information Solutions 2003 Forum from which we will be reporting in the October issue of Oil IT Journal. From there, we will be traveling to Denver for the Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition (ACTE) which will appear in the November issue.
Our next trip, towards the end of October, takes us first Dallas for the Society of Exploration Geophysicists International Exhibition and 73rd Annual meeting. From there we will be heading north to Calgary for the AGM of the Public Petroleum Data Model Association. The SEG report will feature in the December edition of the Journal.
An invitation
Why am I telling you this I hear you ask! First because if you are attending any of these shows yourselves, it would be great to get together. If you have a message to get across, an axe to grind or a rant to rave, then we would like to hear from you. To help you find me, I include a holiday snap of yours truly—sporting a tee shirt from last years SPE fun run.
Marketing mix
Talking of investment, it is a while since I spoke of our ‘marketing mix’—which has kind of stabilized now after a few years of vacillation. We try and offer something to everyone—in the hope of course that some at least will trade-up to the subscription services which make our conference attendances possible.
Our offering begins with an entry level free service of monthly headlines. Next comes a paid subscription to the paper edition of the Oil IT Journal. Incidentally, the Journal is available at a reduced ‘individual’ rate for bona-fide consultants and ‘start-uppers’. We offer two levels of subscription for corporations—which include access to the full text of Oil IT Journal online.
Technology Watch
Finally, again targeting the corporate market, our Technology Watch Report service offers a complete and frequently illustrated account of what’s new and what’s hot in oil and gas information technology. You can now check out the summary and contents of our Technology Watch reports on the OilIT.com website—so you can see what your missing if your organization is not yet subscribing to this unique service.
This month’s issue of Oil IT Journal offers probably the widest-ranging coverage of oil and gas IT ever. From a new wellsite petrophysics suite to contract management software for the traders. Incidentally, without being too fixated on such matters we are trying a new format—with a kind of upstream-to-downstream ‘flow’ from front to back of the Journal. I look forward to your feedback on these developments—by email to info@oilit.com —or better still at one of the tradeshows above. See you there.
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