Aclaro software has released a new version of its PetroLook web-based business intelligence, data integration, and reporting system. Version 3.0 of PetroLook provides a common interface to multiple systems and claims to ‘remove the barriers that impede access, sharing, analysis and reporting of data’.
Aclaro president Christoph Faig said, “PetroLook can roll-up data from Peep, Aries and Excel, reconcile reserves, and report directly to the government. We now offer PetroLook’s rich reporting and analysis to other applications. A manager can click an icon and generate a report without learning the source systems.”
Business layers
PetroLook’s business layers are a key feature of the system. A new reserves reconciliation layer lets users roll-up, reconcile, and report reserves using a comprehensive suite of reports including the EIA-23 and a direct to RIGS export.
This latest release of the software, developed using Microsoft’s .NET architecture makes it easier to access, analyze, and report the data. The new architecture allows the system to provide its analysis and reporting as a web service and provide reporting to other applications and intranet portals.
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