Prospect Oasis portal opens for business

A new Acquisition and Divestment portal has just opened to serve the North American market.

Calgary-based Storage Alliance Inc. (SAI) has purchased the assets of StrataWeb Systems – notably its DataMap GIS. SAI also recently opened a new Acquisition and Divestment (A&D) portal, ProspectOasis. Strata Web aggregates geotechnical data from multiple databases, including public and proprietary sources, into a web browser. The software displays well locations, land grid and lease boundaries, pipeline facilities, active rig locations and seismic data.


SAI’s ProspectOasis is a global trading platform for marketable oil and gas prospects and production properties. SAI COO Bob Irwin said, “Sellers need to portray their properties cost effectively. Buyers want to visit a benchmark web location to validate engineering, geological and geophysical information.” Legend Petroleum of Houston is Prospect Oasis’ first customer with its Louisiana ‘Big Boy’ prospect.

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