Total’s seismic software specialists have chosen INT’s J/GeoToolkit for GUI development on its flagship Sismage image analysis package. Sismage, the brainchild of Total’s geophysical whiz Naamen Keskes, is the result of 10 years of in-house research (see Oil ITJ Vol. 6 N° 7). Total has settled on Java for future Sismage work and is implementing a component-based architecture to facilitate the integration of new research results. Total leverages OpenSpirit for data management and access to vendor platforms such as OpenWorks or Geoframe.
The new Sismage includes a redesigned graphical user interface (GUI) to enhance usability. Total has developed a set of viewers with INT technology for seismic cross-sections, base maps, well log editors, section and basemap multi views and 3D viewers. INT also provided on-site support for the viewer development project.
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