The American Petroleum Institute’s Petroleum Information Data Exchange (PIDX) held a meeting of its European branch this month. Some 40 attended from a sprinkling of major European oils and a broader selection of service companies.
Spares Finder’s Paul Mayer presented a paper on the impact of radio frequency identification devices (RFID) on the supply chain. RFID tags, along with classification standards, are set to “eliminate many of our current supply chain issues, including stock and order mismatch, rogue buying, theft, loss and wastage, duplication, physical audits, and poor supply chain visibility”.
Total’s Jean-Pierre Foehn stressed the need for language localization of standards and software tools. Localization is a thorny issue involving units of measure and other attributes. Moreover, subject matter experts, not just translators, are required for this specialist work.
Schlumberger’s Alan Perro described ongoing work on the Transport, Routing and Packaging (TRP) for XML Documents Project. Here the intent is to lower the cost of implementing PIDX XML Transaction Standards. Currently, TRP for XML leverages the (expensive) Rosettanet infrastructure. An alternative using OASIS ebMS is under development.
Jerry Hubbard (OFS Portal) reviewed the status of the Services Classification Project which sets out to provide a standard nomenclature for upstream services. The deliverable will be a revised UNSPSC.
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