Data integration specialists InnerLogix held the first ever user meeting last month for its flagship DataLogix integration product. DataLogix deploys a loose integration paradigm to minimize application coupling and avoid costly modifications to existing software.
As reported in Oil IT Journal last year (Vol. 7 N° 7), Innerlogix has developed an XML-based Extensible Data Connectivity Language (XDCL) to support loose integration. XDCL retrieves lists of primary data objects within a data store allowing for further drill-down. Data adaptors have been developed for GeoLog, GeoFrame, OpenWorks, Recall and MMS data. One paper showed how to program access to vendor data stores using Perl and the DataLogix adaptors.
Web services
InnerLogix is committed to Web Services as both a consumer and in assisting their development and deployment—particularly in its TerraServer and ILXServ products. Datalogix clients include ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, ChevronTexaco, KerrMcGee (see the PNEC report in this issue of Oil IT Journal) and Burlington Resources. The user group was also attended by vendors including Schlumberger, Halliburton, IHS Energy and geoPlus.
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