GTS-Geotech has launched its ExPert hosting service for upstream and horizontal applications. ExPert, a web based service, offers a comprehensive set of business solutions, knowledge sharing and communication aimed specifically at the E&P community. ExPert is a bespoke solution designed by GTS-Geotech with help from infrastructure partners including UUNET, Sun Microsystems, OpenText, BMC, Tarantella, Orbital Software and Sunrise Help Desk Systems.
Core services
The core services of ExPert are remote support for E&P and other applications, information and knowledge sharing and tele-maintenance of Unix, Windows NT and 2000 systems. Managed entirely from GTS-Geotech’s ExPert offices, users will be able to obtain assistance 24/365 by e-mail, on-line web page, “call me” service or by phoning experienced E&P professionals. The service is available anytime, anywhere, making ExPert an ideal solution for clients with offices in remote locations or simply looking for a cost effective alternative to daily on-site support. Earlier this year (see Oil ITJ Vol 8 N° 3), GTS-Geotech signed an agreement with Schlumberger Information Solutions (SIS) to deliver information management solutions to the upstream in the U.K.
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