Halliburton unit Landmark Graphics Corp. has signed a three-year reseller agreement with United Devices to provide grid computing to the upstream oil industry. Grid computing creates a distributed computing and workload management environment from an organization’s existing clusters, desktops, laptops, workstations, and server nodes. The grid optimizes oil companies’ resources to accelerate compute-intensive projects. Landmark’s DecisionSpace DMS system and the VIP reservoir simulation suite will leverage the grid technology to simulate multiple reservoir development scenarios.
Landmark president Andy Lane said, “Affordable access to massive compute power is a critical ingredient in the successful prediction of reservoir performance. By combining Landmark applications with grid computing, field development planning and performance prediction may be compressed from months or years, to days or weeks.”
Ed Hubbard, United CEO added, “By leveraging computing assets they already own, oil and gas companies can significantly reduce the costs associated with high-performance computing. Companies that use compute-intensive applications such as seismic analysis, reservoir modeling and horizontal drilling will significantly reduce their research time and see a dramatic ROI increase by deploying grid-enabled applications.”
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