SGI tops visualization survey

A survey in World Oil Magazine puts SGI ahead in oil and gas visualization and HPC.

The upstream IT world is not all about Sun, Linux and PC clusters as a recent survey* by World Oil reveals. In a survey of 80 oil and gas companies’ visualization centers, the study revealed that ‘88% of surveyed companies use SGI graphics products and 86% use SGI High Performance Computing (HPC) products.


SGI’s Global Energy Solutions director Bill Bartling said, “These striking results reflect SGI’s deep penetration into the oil and gas industry, particularly with those companies that are committed to high return on investment through the use of top graphics and high-performance computing equipment for such tasks as exploration and reservoir simulation. SGI works closely with companies that already have SGI Reality Center infrastructures to maximize their investments through enhanced uses in collaborative decision making, distributed graphics and the emerging field of digital oil fields.”

Infinite Reality

In the graphics and HPC servers/workstations category, SGI’s Infinite-Reality3 graphics subsystem emerged as the most popular graphics card with 55% of companies surveyed identifying it as their graphics subsystem of choice. 42% of companies surveyed use SGI Onyx2 graphics servers and at least one SGI workstation or server is being used in 86% of companies surveyed.


According to SGI, its high-performance computing, storage and visualization solutions are well suited to the petroleum industry. Seismic imaging applications make use of the SGI Reality Center’s 3D and 4D processing and visualization capabilities while SGI Origin 3000 and the recently announced SGI Altix 3000 servers and superclusters are used in reservoir simulation. More from

*Supplement to World Oil Magazine May 2003. More from

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