Kelman Technologies (KTI) has appointed Don Chitwood VP seismic processing and Greg Hess VP data management. KTI USA president Paul Huff has resigned to pursue other interests. Ken Tornquist is to manage KTI’s newly-opened office in Oklahoma City.
PPDM Association
Scott Beaugrand, CEO of the Public Petroleum Data Model Association has left the Association. Trudy Curtis has been promoted to CIO and Joe Tischner taken on as director of business development.
Olivier Appert has been promoted to Chairman and CEO of the French Petroleum Institute (IFP), replacing Claude Mandil who has moved to head up the International Energy Agency.
PGS has completed the latest phases of its central and southern N. Sea Mega Surveys which merge a large number of massive 3D datasets into a massive 3 terabyte regional seismic library. PGS also announced a staff reduction of 250—part of an ongoing program to save $ 75 million costs.
Schlumberger Information Solutions has launched a new online technical support newsletter ‘The Click’—the web-based successor to the printed GeoQuest Bulletin.
ESRI Petroleum Manager Andrew Zolnai pointed out that the tally of GIS usage in the pipeline industry (as reported in Oil IT Journal Vol. 8 N° 1) looks rather different when ESRI’s ‘exclusive partners’ Geofields, MJ Harden and Tobin are included—boosting the ESRI camp to a healthy 42%.
Knowledge Systems has hired Shane Knutsvig as sales manager and Gemma Keaney as head of geomechanics.
Energy Security Council
The Energy Security Council and the American Petroleum Institute is co-hosting seminars on security and vulnerability assessment (SVA) in Houston, Los Angeles and Trenton New Jersey later this year. A keynote address will be given by Jim McDonnell, Director of the Infrastructure Protection Division at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The API and DHS are developing methods and guidelines for petroleum industry SVA.
VR specialists Fakespace Systems has merged with Mechdyne Corp. Mechdyne’s Chris Clover will be CEO of the new company and Fakespace president Carol Leaman serve as President.
Landmark Graphics Corp. has granted $2.6 million in integrated software and services for geosciences research at The Center for Spatial Analysis in the FedEx Technology Institute, at The University of Memphis.
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