PPDM well header ML announced

The Public Petroleum Data Model Association is seeking comments on a new XML-based well header file format.

The Calgary-based Public Petroleum Data Model Association (PPDM) is fleshing out its proposal for an XML-based well header description. A preliminary meeting has established a base-set of attributes for the well header document and the well header workgroup is currently seeking comments from the PPDM membership on the new spec.


The well header schema is designed as a high level module to be used in conjunction with other well information sets such as directional survey, logs, tests, cores, operations and activity reports. The information defined in the well header is also expected to satisfy multiple business processes including applications, regulatory submissions, daily drilling, and operational reporting.


Initial mappings to the PPDM 3.6 data model are included in the specification which is available for review on www.ppdm.org/ftp/public/xml/wellheader.html.

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