Tecplot for Reservoir simulation

Amtec’s Tecplot has been customized for reservoir engineering, offering animated displays and reservoir simulation data mining from Eclipse.

Tecplot Reservoir Simulation (RS) extends the functionality of Tecplot, Amtec’s flagship plotting software. Tecplot RS can load and display data from Schlumberger’s Eclipse and FrontSim or ChevronTexaco’s Chears simulator. Multiple variables for any entity (such as a well, injector, or field), or multiple entities for any variable can be plotted. Multiple plots can be made on a single page.


Other pre-built displays include completion profile plots (variables versus completion), 3-D color-flooded grid plots with wells, bubble maps, or streamlines. Data from multiple data sets can be compared and access is provided to generic Tecplot functionality for data exploration by probing, slicing, blanking, and creating iso-surfaces. Tecplot RS pots may be animated, automated, exported to the Web, or printed to publication quality. Tecplot operations can be automated by integrated macros that may be accessed interactively or in batch mode.

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