KSI success with Shell, Pemex, Statoil

Shell has qualified Knowledge Systems’ geopressure software in its global software portfolio.

Knowledge Systems Inc. (KSI) recently announced sales to three major oil companies. KSI is to supply its Drillworks/Predict (D/P) geopressure analysis tool to Shell for integration into the global Shell Software Suite. D/P geopressure analysis can be performed before or during drilling and is used to predict geopressures and improve drilling operations. The deal includes ongoing training for Shell’s drilling engineers.


In a separate deal, Statoil reported take-up of KSI’s software. Statoil drilling engineer Jan Skagen said, “KSI’s GeoStress technology will be used to compute rock strength and stress conditions, perform wellbore stability analysis, and to fine-tune mud weights and casing depths.” Reporting on its use of KSI tools in the past, Pemex engineer Jorge Mancilla said, “Pemex uses state-of-the art technology for well planning and has been a Drillworks client for three years. We use the software to estimate pore pressures and fractures gradients from seismics.”

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