Mexican state oil company Pemex has awarded Schlumberger a $60-million, two-year contract for the provision of information management (IM) solutions to all of its upstream business units. The deal includes lifecycle information management services from Schlumberger’s Information Solutions unit and change management expertise from Sema.
Pemex’s Jose Luis Figueroa commented, “This contract will give Pemex’s upstream professionals access to petrotechnical, financial, production and operations data, allowing for better decisions and rapid analysis of new opportunities.” The project involves the capturing, digitizing, scanning and indexing of E&P information and associated physical assets, such as cores, fluid samples and thin sections. These will be consolidated into a ‘virtual repository’ deploying a ‘common data model’ that follows ‘well-defined standards using international best practices and a common set of procedures countrywide’.
Schlumberger will leverage its InfoStream family of customized information lifecycle solutions. Data types supported include post stack seismic, well log, wellbore, production, and interpreted subsurface information. SchlumbergerSema will provide consulting services—particularly centered on its ‘five-step’ business transformation methodology. Schlumberger local manager Jose Magela Bernardes added “The combination of consulting and systems integration expertise will help Pemex maximize the value of its data assets. The success of this type of project is highly dependent on the team’s ability to address all change management aspects from technical to people issues to enhance efficiency and enable more accurate decisions in a timely manner, while maintaining the integrity and value of data.”
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