Decision Space well planner

Landmark’s DecisionSpace well planning suite includes tools for planning and executing multi-platform development programs.

Landmark Graphics Corp. has just released its DecisionSpace suite of ‘next-generation’ directional well planning software. The integrated suite, comprised of Asset-Planner, TracPlanner and PrecisionTarget, will allow asset teams to plan field development paths for multiple platforms, leveraging advanced well-path planning and workflow-based technology.


Landmark president Andy Lane said, “Our DecisionSpace well planning suite will reduce field development cycle times and allow for more accurate wellbore placement, increasing production.” DecisionSpace’s common visualization environment integrates with OpenWorks and 3D DrillView.


Statoil has been using PrecisionTarget for well planning on its lead assets. Oddvar Lotsberg, senior engineer for Statoil said, “Statoil applies PrecisionTarget on all Heidrun field wells, for planning and real-time operations. The tool and associated work processes help realize the value of our new real-time operational center”.

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