Kazakhstan PetroBank

The Energy Ministry of Kazakhstan has awarded Landmark a contract to build a National Data Bank around its PetroBank solution.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan has awarded Landmark Graphics Corp. a contract for the design, development and implementation of a National E&P Data Bank (NDB). The core technology to be deployed in the Kazakh NDB is Landmark’s PetroBank networked multi-client data management system.


Kazakh energy ministry representative Bulat Uzhkenov said, “This agreement gives Kazakhstan an opportunity to create a quality-controlled and highly secure database for the management of its national asset of oil and gas data and to establish a government-industry National Data Bank operation similar to those in the UK, Norway and Brazil. The NDB will serve as a national archive and by its nature attract inward investment.”


Halliburton Energy Services president and CEO John Gibson added, “Kazakhstan is rapidly becoming a major producer and exporter of hydrocarbons. The Ministry’s decision to leverage Landmark’s data management solutions and experience is an indication of the confidence in PetroBank data hosting and management.”

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