Last month, IBM Business Consulting Services sponsored the 23rd Annual Oil & Money conference in London, organized by the International Herald Tribune and the Energy Intelligence Group. Jeremy Pakenham introduced the newly-formed IBM Business Consulting services unit which plans to “look at the way in which project development and asset management can be improved.”
IBM’s work with E&P companies shows renewed focus on the improved management of development projects as assets start-up. Losses in the range of 5% to 15% of an asset’s lifetime NPV are attributable to inefficient projects.
Mobile technology is helping to achieve cost reduction targets and to streamline critical processes throughout the value chain. One project developed for a national oil company involved the use of HP/Compaq iPAQs to transfer data from the back office to the field force. Improved communications impacted field service in installation, repair and maintenance, scheduling of maintenance activities and real-time integration with SAP.
IBM also spoke of its association with Landmark Graphics Corp. to deliver ‘comprehensive solutions’ to the global E&P industry. Landmark’s software has been tuned to IBM’s eServer systems including Linux clusters and high performance graphics IntelliStation workstations. Landmark’s EarthCube was demoed on an IBM M Pro IntelliStation with a T221 high-resolution monitor.
IBM Business Consulting Services has developed diagnostics to support a methodical approach to performance improvement. These have already been tested within the oil industry and in other sectors. A position paper—“Global Performance Management in the Upstream Oil & Gas Sector” is available from IBM which describes the process and outlines how the market is changing. Find out if your performance is being ‘optimally managed across the business’ from .
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