Houston-base INT makes software components for data visualization which are used in many upstream industry-leading workstation applications. INT has just announced the port of its Carnac 2D graphics library to Microsoft’s .NET platform. The port has involved a complete re-write in Microsoft’s C# language.
Carnac.NET claims an intuitive graphics environment - users can model and organize their data in terms of shapes, attributes, and layers. Models can be attached to views for visualization or printing. Selection strategies and manipulators are provided for easy selection and editing of shapes inside a view. Standard graphic objects are supported in addition to complex shapes such as axis, grid, arrow, and symbol. These can be organized in layers, which are stacked, added, removed, and reordered dynamically.
GeoToolkit .NET
INT is offering the geoscience industry a specialized supplemental .NET library ‘GeoToolkit .NET’, which includes support for Seismic, WellLog, and Contouring along with general purpose scientific displays. GeoToolkit .NET bundles Carnac.NET, CGM.NET, and a combination of Seismic.NET, WellLog.NET, and Contour.NET components, allowing developers to rapidly deploy sophisticated data visualization and analysis.
GeoToolkit integrates Microsoft’s VisualStudio for .NET and is available for any Windows platform supporting .NET. In a separate announcement, Earth Decision Sciences has selected INT’s GeoToolkit as a component of its cross-platform GoCad development. EDS development now leverages C++ and Trolltech’s Qt to target Solaris, SGI, Windows and Linux.
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