Calgary-based Geologic Systems Ltd. has just rolled out a new data product to help companies evaluate the potential of different Canadian oil and gas provinces. Key Wells is an extension to Geologic’s GeoScout product - a Windows-based data browser used by engineers, landmen, geologists, data managers and administrators.
Key Wells
Geologic has selected representative wells from each of Western Canada’s 40,000 oil and gas pools. Key wells were chosen as displaying the most complete data set for the pool – including logs, drill-stem tests, cores, water resistivities, oil gravities and viscosities, and pressure and production tests.
Geologic founder Joe Harris said, “We’ve picked wells that we believe have the most tests of the producing formation, the most analyses and the most comprehensive data for each pool. We want the Key Well to be the most representative for a given pool.”
Raster or vector images, formation tops and other data can be used as ‘anchors’ for cross-sections illustrating the geology of a producing area. Users can compare their own prospects and rank plays from within GeoScout.
Geologic president David Hood added, “This project has been in development for five years and is a fine example of our long term dedication to quality.”
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