IHS Energy has bought Calgary-based International Petrodata Limited (IPL). IPL has been in the well data business since 1963, providing logs, core and fluid analyses and directional surveys for Western Canada and the Frontier areas.
Chris Jones, president of IHS Energy’s Canadian unit said, “Following customer feedback we plan to combine the strengths of both datasets.”
A rapprochement between IPL and IHS Energy has been on the cards for some years now. The companies went as far as announcing the takeover of IPL by IHS Energy’ PI/Dwights Canada unit back in 1999 (Oil ITJ Vol. 4 N° 1).
Rapid Technology Corp.
In a separate announcement, IHS Energy Canada has formed a strategic alliance with Rapid Technology Corp. for the delivery of well test data to the AccuMap desktop.
IHS Energy’s Mark Atkinson said, “This alliance brings desktop access to Rapid’s well-test data and confidence ratings to over 6,500 AccuMap users. We’re targeting January 2004 for Phase I commercial release.”
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