Irap models giant fields and turbidites

New technology enables modeling of giant oilfields with millions of cells and thousands of wells. .

In a new release of its flagship geological modeling package, Irap RMS, Roxar addresses the modeling of giant fields and turbidites. Hitherto geological modeling of giant fields has been challenging because of memory and time limitations. Roxar claims an ‘industry first’ for its new 7.2 release, which includes a new time-efficient modeling technique.


Facies modeling is extended with a new module ‘RMSindicators’ which uses ‘industry leading’ indicator simulation technology. Models comprising thousands of wells or millions of cells can now be completed in ‘minutes rather than days’.

Object types

New facies object types and petrophysical trends capture the geological features of turbidites, and offer improved computation of flow properties in super-giant fields.

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