Apache Corp. Australian unit is to deploy a unified storage system from NetApp to support its offshore Western Australia operations. The solution was supplied by NetApp reseller ASI Solutions.
Apache has installed a NetApp FAS940 storage system configured with NetApp Data ONTAP software. Apache uses the FAS940 to store its 2.7 TB of Landmark format seismic data and interpretations.
Apache previously ran a Sun server with locally attached disks. But this proved complex to manage with different levels of patches to assure RAID reliability.
Apache’s systems administrator Vic Clayton explained, “Ease of managing the information storage was a key issue for Apache in selecting an alternative solution, as was system reliability. The FAS940 offers storage area networking in a reliable and easy to manage platform.”
ASI Solutions installed the new system over a weekend. One problem—a card failure was spotted by the system which automatically notified NetApp, triggering overnight delivery of a replacement.
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