De Groot-Bril (dGB) is to open-up the source code for its d-Tect seismic processing and pattern recognition software. Under a new license, OpendTect source code and compiled versions can be used free of charge for R&D purposes; commercial use the software and derived products will be subject to a ‘modest end-user maintenance and support fee’. Universities, software vendors, private consultants and E&P companies can use OpendTect to build commercial or not-for-profit seismic interpretation modules through an easy-to-use plug-in design.
The first commercial plug-ins vendor is – guess who - dGB itself! dTect has been repackaged as three OpendTech plug ins for dip-steering, neural networks and data access. dGB will maintain and extend the OpendTect environment and will continue to develop and market additional commercial plug-ins including a seismic interpretation module. dGB’s ‘GDI’ quantitative interpretation tool will be ported to the new environment. OpendTect will be released via the internet ‘without license managing restrictions’ next month.
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