Liv Mæland presented Statoil’s strategy for management of international data—advocating a single data instance and global accessibility. For successful remobilization of usable data, project storage is critical. “Remobilizing a project can not be based on luck, private contacts or investigative skills.” Statoil demonstrated real-time collaboration on the offshore Ireland Cong well between the Aberdeen data center, Dublin operations and a London OpenWorks database.
Kolbjørn Skjæveland described Shell’s global reorganization with standard processes, systems and tools deployed across five regions. A redesign of Shell’s European organization is underway based on ‘cross-border optimization, portfolio management and exploiting scale and standardization’. E&P information management vision includes a single set of applications and a unique data environment with central data stores served from Amsterdam. Approved applications include OpenWorks, Petrel and Shell in-house tools 123DI and Logic. The data environment leverages Petrobank, OpenWorks and an integration framework based on Schlumberger’s ProSource, PointSource and the new data transfer manager.
Lars Gåseby’s showed how ConocoPhillips’ Norwegian Onshore Drilling Center (ODC) has moved a large chunk of its real time drilling decision making onshore. The ODC was used throughout 2002 on Ekofisk drilling operations. By supporting remote decision-making, the ODC enhances safety and operational ‘focus’ while reducing offshore administration, travel and costs. The ODC supports well planning, real-time drilling and reservoir navigation. A fiber link offers very high bandwidth between the ODC and Ekofisk and a 150MBit radio link hooks in satellite platforms. Data feeds include audio, video conferencing, rig cameras, smartboard and real time data.
Current PetroBank projects include a migration to Linux, NetApp Filer integration, a dev kit and management of reference data. The handover of Diskos operations to Schlumberger next year will mark the end of Petrodata’s 8 year involvement in the project. Gunnar Sjøgren traced the project’s history and achievements since 1995. All legacy projects are finished and data reporting procedures are being followed. A web based front end is now operational. PetroBank now holds over 16,000 wells and 65 Terabytes of seismic data. PetroBank is now ‘what we wanted it to be when we started’. New data is being loaded and it has ‘never been easier to get access to the data’ although PetroBank is not yet a tool for the G&G end user.
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