Trappe Erdöl Erdgas Consultant (TEEC) is marketing a new seismic processing technique. 3D Common Reflection Surface Stacking (3D CRS) was originally developed by the Wave Inversion Technology consortium of Karlsruhe, Berlin and Hamburg (Germany) and Campinas (Brazil) universities. The software has subsequently been improved by TEEC to the extent that CRS can be applied to large 3D marine surveys and gives acceptable turnaround times on PC-based Linux clusters. CRS is a macromodel independent processing technique which uses arbitrary shaped stacking surfaces instead of the horizontal common mid point stack. Case studies show that the technique gives superior results in complex geological settings such as overthrust areas when compared to conventional DMO processing, or even in some cases to pre-stack depth migration. One of the first surveys to be processed using this technique is a 3D data set offshore Costa Rica provided by the BGR (German Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources). The aim of this project is to enhance the imaging of wedge shape structures associated with subduction processes.
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