Landmark’s SeisSpace

Landmark is delivering its new seismic processing platform SeisSpace. The new environment is tuned for parallel processing.

Halliburton unit Landmark Graphics has announced the release of SeisSpace, its new seismic processing platform for distributed computing. SeisSpace optimizes parallel processing performance on Linux clusters by providing highly scalable trace processing efficiency for large seismic volumes. Included in this product release is a new prestack time migration algorithm optimized for parallel processing.


Landmark president Andy Lane said, “E&P companies are continuously being challenged to improve their finding efficiency in the face of more complex reservoir targets. Landmark continues to focus on driving innovation in seismic processing to discover and delineate hydrocarbon prospects faster and at lower costs.”


Landmark customers currently using ProMAX should notice improved data throughput from hybrid ProMAX flows within the SeisSpace parallel input/output environment. A new user-interface provides access to multiple project data stores and multiple processing servers.


Landmark executive VP John Sherman added “SeisSpace was designed to leverage emerging technologies and efficiently process large seismic volumes. Our customers can achieve supercomputer processing performance at the favorable price/performance ratio offered by Linux clusters.”

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