GigaViz fast!

VoxelVision’s cluster-based graphics engine has proved its worth in a visualization test for Norsk Hydro.

VoxelVision’s GigaViz 1.0 has been successfully stress-tested by Nork Hydro. Hydro used the high performance, cluster-based visualization software to investigate complex shallow geology near the gigantic Storegga slide in the Haltenbanken area. The Storegga slide took place about 8,000 years ago and left a headwall at the shelf break of close to 300 km length.


A 2.300 by 2.650 line 3D survey was loaded on a VoxelVision 16 CPU ‘VoxBox’ cluster in Trondheim. Within the a few hours, four horizons in complicated shallow geology were mapped and displayed. Horizons were then transferred to the interactive fly-through polygon viewer, revealing new clues to the origins of the Storegga slide.

135 GB

In another test, the Linux software was successfully used to view a data volume of a staggering 135 GB. GigaViz offers interactive tracking, attribute analysis and AVO. An OpenSpirit link to other environments is available.

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