Landmark in Norway

Landmark, Statoil and two Norwegian universities are to fund a graduate research program to study the impact of IT on E&P. Measuring business value of IT is a priority.

Landmark, Statoil, Rogalund and Stavanger Universities have created a three-year graduate research program to study the impact of IT on the E&P industry. A program goal is to define processes by which companies can better measure the business value and return on investment from data management and IT systems.


A steering committee including Landmark’s John Sherman and Martin Bekkeheien from Statoil will manage the program. Sherman commented, “Landmark is expanding its university grant program in Norway which is providing tangible results that will enable our customers to optimize their technical and business processes.”


Statoil senior advisor Kjetil Tonstad added, “This research program will provide a unique opportunity to tap into the data management and IT environment in Norway and make advances in both measurements of business value and quantifying change management challenges.”

PetroBank on Linux

Also in Norway, Landmark, IBM and Intel are to establish a ‘Technical Center of Excellence’ (TCE) in Stavanger. The TCE will be located at PetroData, where Landmark’s PetroBank is used to manage over 50TB of data for the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate and the DISKOS consortium. One of the first tasks assigned to the TCE is the port of PetroBank code to the Linux operating system.


John Davies, VP e-Business Solutions with Intel concluded, “Intel is committed to the evolving information technology infrastructure of the E&P industry and is pleased to support Landmark in this very strategic initiative.”

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