UpstreamInfo closed

EDS, Raytheon and The Information Store’s attempt to set up an upstream e-business has ended in failure with the closure of UpstreamInfo.

UpstreamInfo (UI) has ceased operations. UI was set up in 2000 by partners Raytheon, The Information Store and EDS to provide clients - notably Chevron and initially, Pemex - with remote storage and management of information and data assets.


UI deployed ASP software and delocalized infrastructure in ‘Megacenters’ to provide information access ‘anytime anyplace,’ on a pay for use basis. As recently as last September, EDS was still providing UI with new technology offering UI’s clients a ‘seamless flow of mission critical information.’ But UI appears to have failed to reach critical mass.

Information Store

Following the closure of UI, partner The Information Store is offering to deliver services to UI customers under existing and proposed license or service agreements.


The Information Store’s PetroTrek technology, developed before UpstreamInfo opened its doors, was at the core of the Megacenter offering. PetroTrek offers e-commerce based access to seismic data libraries. More from

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