New decision support from Petris

Extensions to Petris’ IDSS integration framework now encompass economics and land. The software leverages Ascential’s DataStage XE integration technology.

Petris Technology, Inc. has announced a new release of its Winds Integrated Decision Support System (IDSS) web-based data warehouse application. IDSS V2.0 provides engineers, production personnel and managers with access to corporate operational, economic, financial and land information.

Economics and land

IDSS extracts and stores data from applications and business systems running on mainframes, UNIX servers and Windows. The IDSS Version 2.0 adds economics and land information access to the financial and business queries.

Ascential DataStage

Ascential’s DataStage XE is the core data integration technology inside the IDSS. DataStage automates data integration across multiple data sources, breaking down large integration tasks into smaller jobs that users can schedule sequentially.


One Petris client, Burlington Resources, will be using IDSS monthly to consolidate more than 10 million rows of data from six different operational systems. Using DataStage instead of hand-coding data integration functions, Petris reduced implementation time for Burlington by 25 percent saving development effort and system costs.


Petris president and COO Jim Pritchett told Oil ITJ, “Energy companies evaluate their profitability on a property basis, but previously had difficulty capturing and analyzing property data effectively because it’s spread over multiple systems. By building IDSS, our customers can now get at this data much faster, to accelerate decision making and maximize profitability.”

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