MMS back online after Indian ‘attack’

The US Minerals Management Service’s computers are back on line after a three month interruption. The systems were shut down when a federal judge questioned Department of Interior IT security.

Internet access (including email) to the US Minerals Management Service (MMS) has been restored following a three-month nationwide shut down. A bizarre sequence of events was sparked off last December when a lawsuit from American Indians against the federal government caused a judge to close public access to the Department of the Interior Internet.


At issue was the degree to which the DOI assured the security and protection of third-party data on its servers. The shut down interrupted the collection, processing and distribution of production data from federal offshore waters by the MMS and IHS Energy.

Back online

The MMS systems are now back online and companies can submit production and royalty reports to the MMS e-commerce service provider, Peregrine Systems, Inc, via the Internet. More on electronic reporting from

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