Unocal goes for Digital Oilfield

Unocal has chosen Digital Oilfield’s e-procurement solutions for invoicing and contract management.

Unocal has selected Digital Oilfield’s integrated invoicing and contract management solution. Unocal is to use Digital Oilfield’s OpenInvoice and OpenContract Internet-based solutions to automate its invoice and field ticket reconciliation, approval and data capture processes. Unocal is implementing the Digital Oil software in its North America operations initially, with the potential to later roll the technology out to its overseas locations.


Unocal project manager Tim Pownell said, “Unocal has an aggressive program under way to deploy e-business technologies that enhance our business performance.” Digital Oilfield president and CEO Rod Munro (co-founder of GIS specialist Munro Garrett) added, “We’re delighted to assist Unocal in meeting its e-procurement objectives. With the Digital Oilfield solution, Unocal will have a greater understanding of its upstream spend, while streamlining the process of submitting, validating, routing, coding and approving invoices.”

80% saving

Using OpenInvoice and OpenContract, E&P companies and their vendors can collaboratively create and process field tickets and invoices to ‘eliminate 80% of the internal processing time and cost associated with invoice approval.’ Digital Oilfield’s workflow-improvement tools are designed for upstream operations. The software is said to ‘free-up professional staff’s time and give managers rapid access to spending and operating information.’ More from

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