The American Petroleum Institute’s e-business PIDX unit has just announced new XML-based standards for inter-operability. The ComProServ specifications cover procurement processes surrounding configurable, complex products and services such as well testing and cementation.
The new standards will update and extend the older PIDX EDI specifications with configuration tools and technical data templates. They include XML schemas for twelve transactions, along with associated data elements and tags. The technology-neutral standards were designed and tested by 20 companies to ensure their usability. The new formats recognize the need for reuse of existing standards where applicable and rely on existing technology for communicating information.
ComProServ uses the RosettaNet transport routing and packaging protocol (TRP) 2.0 framework, (migration to ebXML is planned). The design allows for transporting data at a lower of detail level along with descriptive files. Currently, ComPro-Serv deploys around 35 reusable components.
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