Norwegian operators extend Diskos contract

The Norwegian operator consortium Diskos has renewed PetroData’s contract until the end of 2003.

The Diskos group of companies, operator of Norway’s national data store, has extended prime contractor PetroData’s contract until the end of 2003. PetroData has been running the online upstream data store since 1995. Most Norwegian operators use Diskos to store seismic and well data at one centrally managed location while letting individual companies compete on the use and interpretation of their data.


Diskos currently holds almost all post-stack seismic data from the Norwegian continental shelf. Diskos is also used as a distribution channel for data pertaining to a license, along with navigation and cultural data. Future extensions are planned which will extend Diskos’ scope to pre-stack data. PetroData manages data other than the national data set through a sophisticated entitlements management system.


Companies which deposit their well data with Diskos are deemed to have satisfied Norwegian government reporting requirements.


PetroData president Trond Hanesand said, “A revised business model and price reduction are expected to increase usage, and strengthen Diskos’ position as the Norwegian E&P industry’s hub for information sharing and e-collaboration. The likely deployment of Surf and Connect Web Edition this summer will significantly increase data availability to the Diskos membership.”

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