The Public Petroleum Data Model Association (PPDM) has just issued a request for proposals (RFP) from its membership to provide ‘services and materials to measure and report on the level of conformance between a database or software product and the PPDM standard.’ Compliance with the PPDM data model has been debated since at least November 1997 (Oil ITJ Vol. 2 N° 11). The PPDM RFP defines compliance as ‘a level of conformance between a database or software product and the published PPDM standards.’ Measurement and awareness of compliance will help software developers ‘expand their market and increase sales to include customers who see value in having compliant software.’
Data Vendors
For data vendors, the provision of data and loaders using PPDM standard definitions is expected to reduce the cost of multiple data formats and add value through remote, compliant database access.
This initiative should help eliminate the tendency of the vendor community to cite ‘compliance’ with one or other of the industry standard data models without any indication of the degree, or even the reality, of such compliance.
The RFP calls for ‘services and materials to measure and report the level of compliance, between a database or software product and the PPDM Association standards.’ To respond to the RFP, vendors must be PPDM members.
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