The red tape on the first of Shell’s MegaCenter IT hubs was cut this month (the centre actually opened last year). The MegaCenter is located in ‘Cyberjava’ – at the end of Kuala Lumpur’s Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC), Malasia’s Silicon Valley. The MSC offers Shell advanced telecommunications infrastructure and services at competitive rates. Managed by Shell Information Technology International (SITI), the MegaCentre concept is a large-scale, global IT application hosting environment, consolidated into three regional hubs (others are planned for Houston and either The Hague – or Manchester!).
BMC Software
BMC Software has signed a ‘multi-million dollar’ strategic partnership with Shell to act as Shell’s single source supplier of systems management solutions for the MegaCentres. BMC will provide systems management and automation for the Shell MegaCentre environment, including SAP and eBusiness deployments. BMC senior VP Debbie Tummins said, “The partnership with Shell shows how companies can align IT with their business goals.”
When the Megacentre concept was announced last year, Harry Roels announced that some 90,000 desktops across the Shell organization would be supported from the Cyberjava center by year-end 2002. SITI’s executive director Aad van Strien revised this figure down to 75,000 during his inaugural address.
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