Tobin’s $10M InSight

Tobin has unveiled the results of a $10 million development with the release of its ‘InSight’ GIS-based enterprise data management and browsing environment.

Tobin’s new InSight environment offers users ‘full-spectrum’ management of wells, seismics, scans, leases, imagery and CAD documents. InSight can be used to capture interpretation results from interpretation carried out in other applications such as Landmark’s Open Works.


The product is built around Tobin’s TREX data model, which leverages ESRI’s SDE and offers transactional update and change tracking. A graphical user interface allows for dragging and dropping of groups of database objects to export locations in project workspace.


Project parameters can be saved as an XML file – and the job can be run from then on as a background cron task to allow for synchronization of project data. Tobin president Charles Ivey said that the development had taken 3 years and cost over $10 million.


The InSight browser – ‘PowerViewer’ is a map-based browser with some innovative technology. From a selected area of interest in the map view users can drill down into a document management system such as Novasoft’s Cimage. Tobin showed Oil IT Journal how a click on a well location would bring up related documents such as reports, contracts and maps. Alternatively an area selected can be plotted out as a ‘thematic’ map with marginalia – taking 15 seconds to make a D size plot. PowerViewer 2.0 will be out in April 2002.


Tobin’s new WebViewer allows for map publishing for viewing in the browser. The web maps are active and can be navigated. The Tobin Area of Interest (AOI) tool navigates immediately to the current AOI. Features can be grouped and classified in a Table of Contents. Foreign databases can be explored through an intuitive display of complex data models. Data can be exported to interpretation environments such as a GeoGraphix project.


The technology is currently being ported to ESRI’s ArcIMS 4.0. Tobin integrates with ESRI, Landmark and GeoQuest databases. Ivey sees this development as the culmination of a massive effort which he is convinced will succeed where organizations like POSC failed. The objective? To build a workable E&P data model and surround it with usable tools for data management and selection.

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