Info-frustration found

A survey performed for Kalido shows frustration among information users. Huge growth for the ERP sector is anticipated.

A survey released last month by data warehouse specialist Kalido Ltd. claims that 96% of global enterprises suffer from ‘information frustration.’ The survey, carried out by IT research house Harte-Hanks, studied ‘the most critical information issues that the world’s leading companies are facing today.’ Nearly 70% of the respondents felt that their information systems delivered inconsistent reporting, and that it took too long to collate information. Almost 60% found their current systems did not have the flexibility to handle change. A similar number were concerned about the accuracy of their data sources. Some 60% of respondents were planning data information integration projects and while the survey indicated that tackling integration would be difficult, market studies estimate a combined growth for ERP, CRM and SCM vendors from $50 billion today to $96 billion by 2005 (AMR Research).

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