Hampton’s Java Geoscope

Hampton’s GeoScope map-based document management system and data browser now leverage Java to provide cross platform operation and an enhanced user experience.

A new release of Hampton Data Services’ GeoScope 3.0 now leverages Java technology to improve usability and database connectivity. GeoScope offers document archiving and retrieval over Intranets and the Internet on a broad range of platforms and operating systems. GeoScope combines the search ability of a database with the intuitive searching of objects within a graphical interface (typically a map) to recover appropriate documents for any given search criteria.


PDM asked Hampton’s IT Manager Gary Marshall-Stevens how the Java technology had been deployed. Stevens said, “Currently the Java client is a 22MB download that requires the JDK to be installed. We are looking to run Geoscope as an applet - without any client installation in the near future. In the server there are two components - both written in Java - the GeoFile server and the GeoIndex server.”


“We try to integrate with our clients IT environment so that for instance our text searching, which normally runs on Microsoft’s Internet Index Server, can adapt to use Unix tools such as InfoSeek. We try to be modular. Our future plans include a move from Microsoft Active Server Pages to a cross-platform tool - Java Server Pages. We have been working with Canadian clients on tuning GeoScope for use with the PPDM data model. The PPDM data exchange XML work has helped us enhance GeoScope’s scalability significantly.”

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