
The old Petroleum Data Manager went out in style with a number of ‘bloopers’ - we rectify them here with apologies to the injured parties.

We incorrectly reported David Archer’s position with POSC - he is President & CEO. The chairman is ExxonMobil’s Bill Ragosa. Archer points out that the POSC Units Converter is not actually Open Source. However the source code is available on the POSC website. It is also likely to be offered as a Web Service in the near future.


In the piece on CGG’s Redhill installation we mistakenly referred to Network Application - that should have read Network Appliance - we should have just stuck with NetApp! A propos of the same piece, Laurent Delorme pointed out that the number of concurrent projects refers to the Redhill center alone. CGG may have as many as 50 projects on the go at each of its major centers.


Commenting our Standards centerpiece Andrew Zolnai from ESRI points out that the PPDM Spatial II initiative was not “initiated by ESRI” as we stated. Zolnai says, “ Spatial II was launched by a group of Canadian companies requesting ESRI’s help, and recently expanded to US companies and abroad.” Zolnai added, “ S tay tuned, ESRI has a draft specification for well data and PPDM is nearing its funding goal to proceed with the data modeling.”


In our piece on Landmark’s GeoGraphix a typo in the headline incorrectly referred to product as ‘Geographics,’ a throwback to our early exposure to an unrelated product from Scott Pickford!

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