Proprietary e-business for ConocoPhillips….

ConocoPhillips Canada is using electroBusiness’ e-commerce hub for automatic invoice processing. electroBusiness e-business Utility Microsoft’s leverages Microsoft’s .NET web infrastructure.

ConocoPhillips Canada has signed with Calgary-based electroBusiness for the provision of e-business related software and services. electroBusiness is to connect ConocoPhillips’ suppliers electronically and to automate invoicing using the company’s e-business Utility document exchange platform.


electroBusiness is to manage and support supplier adoption of the software for ConocoPhillips while its e-business Utility (EBU) is expected to enhance ConocoPhillips’ internal invoice processing.

150 vendors

Under the terms of the agreement, over 150 of ConocoPhillips’ preferred suppliers ConocoPhillips will be notified by the parties to commence electronic invoicing. Suppliers will be able to submit invoices directly from their accounting systems using the proprietary EBU platform.


Cal Fairbanks, CEO of electroBusiness, said, “electroBusiness is focused on supporting and servicing the supplier community and ConocoPhillips recognizes the value that we bring to both them and their suppliers. By being connected to the e-Business Utility, these vendors can also electronically invoice their other customers and trading partners. ConocoPhillips shares our vision to provide suppliers with an open and flexible solution that benefits all trading partners.”

260 signed-up

As of December 2002, electroBusiness had signed up over 260 vendors which are now connected with the EBU and can send and receive electronic invoices, purchase orders and payment notifications.


The EBU eliminates traditional Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) documents and associated costs—although EBU documents can be translated into EDI for cross-platform compatibility. EBU is claimed to be simpler and more flexible than EDI and allows companies to leverage their internal accounts receivable systems and processes. Other EBU buyer-side users include BP, Central Alberta Midstream, ConocoPhillips, Chevron and CPR.


Partners PricewaterhouseCoopers and Microsoft co-developed the web front end to the EBU with the intent of ‘equipping the whole industry’ with e-business solutions leveraging Microsoft’s .NET infrastructure—see Oil ITJ Vol 7 No. 7. More from

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