SimSci-Esscor (SSE) has released a new version of its PipePhase simulator. PipePhase models steady-state multiphase flow in oil and gas networks and pipeline systems and is used to perform a range of functions – from sensitivity analysis of key parameters in a single well, to a multi-year facilities planning study for an entire field.
Version 8
The new release, Version 8, includes ‘lots of work’ on the user interface and on enhanced data exchange with Excel. PipePhase can now model subsea and surface pipe networks – and ‘advanced architecture’ multi-lateral wells.
A new pipeline device lets users copy and paste pipeline profiles from spreadsheets and automatically generates results in an Access database format. Version 8.0 also enables users to generate Vertical Flow Performance (VFP) tables or import them from third-party applications.
SSE general manager Ken Brown said “PipePhase is one of the global industry standards among petroleum producers. SSE has continually invested in PipePhase to maintain its core strengths and add ever-increasing convenience and power for the end user. Version 8.0 demonstrates the company’s ongoing commitment to delivering leading-edge tools for petroleum producers.”
A new, COM-compliant API layer enables other COM-compliant applications, such as Excel, to control Pipephase execution externally. A new initialization ‘wizard’ helps users set up new problems.
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