Midland Valley Exploration (MVE) unveiled its latest modeling application NMove project at its US user meeting held in Colorado’s Stanley Hotel – said to be the inspiration for Stephen King’s ‘The Shining’. NMove is the working title for MVE’s rebuilt and extended software suite.
NMove is set to merge the capabilities of MVE’s existing software portfolio into a single component-based application. NMove will be scaleable from ‘laptops to super computers’ and will leverage recent developments in multi-threading and advanced visualization. NMove will allow users to work with different document ‘views’ of the same data set allowing use of 2D, 3D and volume views.
MVE director Alan Gibbs said “This is the next big thing in geoscience software. NMove removes the artificial barriers between 2D, 3D models and the volume data in the earth model. All this provides users with the ability to move transparently through geological time. Seeing is believing, and NMove will shortly be a reality for both PC and the visualization centre.
3D Move
Meanwhile, MVE’s new release of its 3D Move flagship is proving useful to geoscientists working in overthrust belts and in areas of complex salt tectonics. Here, 3D Move’s ‘wraps’ 3D point clouds with a single continuous surface. This can then be used for image ray tracing and depth conversion in what MVE claims is a paradigm shift in model building.
MVE software is now all available on Linux—allowing users to perform high-end modeling on laptop computers.
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