Petrosys is to release a major new version of its high-end upstream mapping package next month. Petrosys V12 will offer support for the direct display of generic spatial data from Arc Shapefiles and Microstation DGN files. A new spreadsheet user interface has been added to manage map display layers.
Petrosys is also revising its marketing strategy in the light of emerging usage patterns of upstream data. Most upstream operators are moving away from the central data repository, to manage data in application frameworks such as GeoFrame or OpenWorks. The role of Petrosys’ dbMap is to be downplayed as the company adopts a renewed focus on its mapping engine.
Upstream mapping is usually associated with ESRI’s mapping tools. Oil IT Journal asked Petrosys’ Tom Robinson how the company views the stiff competition from ESRI. Robinson agrees that, “ESRI is entrenched but it doesn’t have gridding and contouring—and doesn’t treat a seismic line properly—shotpoints are not fire hydrants! Petrosys software can co-exist with ESRI environments. We have used the ESRI dev kit to allow for ShapeFile generation.” One new target market for Petrosys is the large brigade of oil company ArcView developers.
The new release offers colors and patterns selection based on database attributes, such as those associated with an ArcSDE layer. Similar functionality is extended to the many E&P groups with large amounts of information in Microstation DGN files.
IPL Databases
Petrosys now supports direct connections of their mapping, querying and reporting facilities to databases provided by the Calgary data vendor International Petrodata Ltd.—widely used in the Canadian petroleum industry.
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