Schlumberger’s Finder is the core component of two national data repositories (NDR) in Cameroon and Gabon. The Societe Nationale des Hydrocarbures (SNH), the national oil company of Cameroon, has selected SIS to help create an E&P NDR at the the Centre d’Informations Petrolieres in Yaounde, while Geneva-based Petrolin is working with the Gabonese Department of Hydrocarbons (DGH) to deploy an NDR in Libreville.
SNH Exploration manager Jean Jacques Koum said, “We selected SIS to implement an integrated data management system to secure and manage all data types available after several decades of exploration and production in the country. This solution will allow SNH to preserve those patrimonial assets and further promote Cameroon’s exploration potential. The NDR is part of an SNH strategic plan to quickly move into the competitive global oil economy, leveraging the new technologies.”
Data types to be handled include seismic, logs, physical assets and production, as well as interpretation results obtained from various sources. A joint SNH-SIS team, under the direction of Koum, has been set up to carry out the various project phases, with a strong emphasis on training and knowledge transfer to SNH employees.
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The NDR will include the following components, Finder, AssetDB, LogDB, SeisDB and ProductionDB. Serge Brun, GeoQuest operations manager added “SNH will be the first West African oil company to deploy a complete data management solution ranging from seismic to production.” More from
Speaking about the Gabonese NDR, Petrolin project manager Mathew Holsgrove told PDM “The NDR involves the creation of a databank in Libreville for the DGH. Petrolin is helping the DGH recover data from oil companies. This is then indexed, scanned or transcribed before loading into Finder. To prepare the handover of the system to the DGH, we have created indexing procedures and Access database tools linked into the Finder oracle database in order to simplify the transfer of data into Finder. The final part of the Project will be the training of DGH personnel in the population and use of the databank when it is implemented in Gabon at the end of September.”
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