Schlumberger’s e-business unit IndigoPool has signed with the Barrows Company to make its comprehensive international library of oil and gas laws and contracts available on the IndigoPool web site. This documentary database will support the IndigoPool online acquisition and divestiture (A&D) process.
Barrows president Gordon Barrows said, “The IndigoPool global e-marketplace will allow us to reach more oil and gas professionals from both the private and public sectors. This worldwide exposure, coupled with IndigoPool’s technology and security, provide an innovative channel to access our growing library of laws and contracts.”
IndigoPool president Dan Magyar added, “We are pleased to add Barrows’ spectrum of services. Since establishing its library more than 30 years ago, Barrows has become the most trusted source of international oil and gas laws and contracts.”
Barrows’ information is available in full text and in summary or analysis format. All materials are written in English, with the original language text available off-line. This world library includes national energy laws (principally oil and gas), taxation, statutes of national oil companies, and environmental legislation. The information is revised and updated daily.
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