e-Logic from Government

The UK government is funding a scheme that sets out to ‘help UK companies get to the future first’!

The UK DTI has granted funding to LOGIC to develop an “e-Collaboration Champion Program.” LOGIC (Leading Oil and Gas Industry Competitiveness) is an industry initiative whose motto is “Helping the UK Oil/Gas industry work together to get things done.” Initial funding for LOGIC was provided by the DTI, and a group of five industry bodies led by the UK Offshore Operators Association (UKOOA).


Energy Minister, Brian Wilson announced the contract to deliver ‘an innovative new scheme’* to bring the benefits of e-commerce to companies in the oil and gas sector at last month’s Offshore Europe Exhibition. The scheme will ‘help companies work together more effectively through the use of the latest techniques of e-enabled collaboration.’ The pilot scheme will help up to twelve collaborative groupings in the oil and gas sector - with each group having at least one SME participant.

*Blackadder fans may hear echoes of one of Baldrick’s ‘cunning plans’ here.

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