PDM CD-ROM Archive

Along with this issue of Petroleum Data Manager you should have received a copy of the PDM CD-ROM Archive. This year, the Archive offers on on-line buyers guide, and a new section of valuable contributed papers. Installation is simple and no files are installed on your computer. You’ve got to try it!

First, a big thanks to this year’s sponsors (whose logos adorn this page) for making the 2001 Petroleum Data Manager CD-ROM Archive possible. The Archive contains the full text of Petroleum Data Manager from 1996 to the present, along with valuable information from our sponsors. Indexes are provided for access by year and month, and also by Company, Topic and Product.


The CD contains a wealth of information with:-

Over 1000 company references

Over 900 people

Over 1300 product references

350 technologies

180 general topics in Oil and Gas IT

The Archive offers regular conference reports, standards body activity, interviews with industry leaders and of course, all of Petroleum Data Manager’s acclaimed editorials. Finally, contributed materials from our sponsors make the CD a unique reference for oil and gas IT.

Getting started

On a PC, the PDM Archive should start automatically. If the CD does not auto-run, double click on the file ‘index.htm’ in the CD Home directory. The PDM Archive will run on any system (Mac, UNIX, PC). All that is needed is an internet browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape, that supports frames (most do these days). Once the CD Archive is running you will see the business-like interface to the PDM
Archive. Navigating the Archive is easy. First select an index (top of page) next chose either the month (for calendar index) or sub-topic. This will display a list of article titles in the right hand pane. Click on one of these and read the full text of the PDM Article.


This year we bring you two new features - an on-line Buyer’s Guide where you have instant access to contact information for key upstream software houses and service companies. Another innovation is our new section for contributed papers - don’t forget to read this material for more valuable information on oil and gas IT and data management.


If you need assistance, or would like information as to next year’s sponsorship opportunities, email us here at helpdesk@oilit.com.


Once you’ve tried out this single user edition of PDM you’ll appreciate why major oil and gas companies now subscribe to PDM’s monthly Electronic Edition. Offer your knowledge management teams and upstream communities of practice valuable content for their intranets. PDM is also available on a secure website for extranet use. PDM covers most major oil and gas conferences and exhibitions with on-the-spot reporting and is acknowledged as the journal of reference for upstream Information Technology. For details email intranet@oilit.com or fax +331 4623 0652.

Important Please Read!

This edition of the Petroleum Data Manager is a single user license for subscribers to PDM. It is distributed according to the following terms and conditions. This is a Single User License for the PDM Archive Do not alter, duplicate, copy to any media or distribute the contents of the CD. Lan/wan/intranet deployment strictly forbidden. All material remains © 1996-2001 The Data Room unless otherwise stated. On-the-fly text searching of the CD is allowed providing the original CD is physically in the drive. Storing and or distributing indexes of any kind to material on the CD is forbidden. If you are not in complete agreement with these terms and conditions, destroy the CD forthwith.

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