EarthVision 6.0 enhances work flow

Dynamic Graphics latest modeling package - EarthVision 6 now includes a workflow manager, and Linux and Windows versions for use at remote locations.

Dynamic Graphics has released a new version of its 3D model building visualization package EarthVision. EarthVision 6 includes a new workflow manager and now runs on Linux and Windows.


Art Paradis, President of Dynamic Graphics, said “The enhanced, easy-to-learn WorkFlow Manager will help you boost cash flow from existing fields by significantly reducing project work-hours. The Windows and Linux versions operate on economical PCs that will reduce operating expenses for a tangible increase in your bottom line.”

The intuitive interface guides users through modeling complex environments including salt domes, diapirs, and complexly faulted structures.


Other new features include property and horizon modeling and a new geometric fault restoration technique which interpolates in geometrically restored, unfaulted space, accommodating varying fault displacements and rotations of fault blocks. Properties can be modeled on a zone-by-zone or fault block-by-fault block basis using conformal or non-conformal minimum tension gridding or kriging. Links to other vendor software include Openworks, Seisworks, and SEG-Y. The new Linux and Windows 2000 versions allow for simultaneous viewing of models between remote locations and the office for team decision-making. Dynamic Graphics clients include BP, Baker Hughes Inteq, ExxonMobil and Shell Expro IK which used the sofware to model the complex eastern flank of the North Sea Brent Field.


Steve Taylor, Head of geology with Shell UK E&P said “EarthVision has allowed us to model the eastern flank of the Brent field for the first time, and helped mature several development targets which may otherwise have remained on the shelf.”

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