GeoScout enhanced

GeoLogic has enhanced its data browser GeoScout and now offers online land and H2S reporting services to Western Canadian operators.

GeoLogic’s geoScout software offers western Canadian operators an exploration development and acquisition tool bundled with data from Manitoba to the Beaufort Sea. The latest V5.0 release of GeoScout is claimed as ‘the most comprehensive re-write of geoScout ever.’ Ease of use has been enhanced and over 200 user requests are incorporated in the new release.


The user database now provides better control over proprietary data and the well ticket now gives the user control over the display of data. Other improvements include an unlimited number of map overlays, simultaneous display of raster and LAS logs and new interactive correlation tools.


GeoLogic also offers an online land information database, PNGRweb based on an older Virtual Data Services product (Virtual Data Services was purchased in 1997 and now operates as a division of GeoLogic.) Another internet-based offering is H2Sweb, introduced in January 2001. H2Sweb reports include potential H2S release rate summary, key well completion information, H2S concentration and flow rate data summary. Reports are also accompanied by footnotes and DST remarks. More from

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